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Szwajcaria otwiera rynek pracy
Szwajcarzy pójdą w maju do referendum w sprawie płacy minimalnej
After February when the Swiss people with majority of nearly 20,000 votes have decided to restrict the free movement of persons, on May 18 this year, once again they go to the polls to answer to four questions: the modernization of the armed forces (the procurement of the JAS 39 Gripen fighter aircraft), limitations access for pedophiles to work with children, primary care reform, as well as establishing a state minimum wage.
According to the proposal minimum wage would amount to 22 Swiss francs per hour, which is about 4,000 francs a month, and the federal government would be required to advocate for the introduction of the minimum wage to collective agreements. The National Council (Nationalrat) has voted against the adoption of the proposal.
- J. Raubo, Trudne lądowanie Gripenów wśród alpejskich szczytów, „Armia”, no. 11 (52) November 2012, p. 102-107.