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XV edycja konferencji w Słubicach – panel szwajcarski
Panel szwajcarski w Słubicach!
On behalf of the organizers, i.e. the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, ‘Helvetic Initiative’ Research Group and Collegium Polonicum in Słubice, we would like to extend an invitation to partake in the discussion panel entitled
Challenges of foreign and defense policy of Switzerland
as regards the problem of neutrality in the 21st century
This panel is organized in the framework of the 15th International Academic Conference in the series “Europe of the 21st Century”, which is scheduled for February 5-6, 2015 at Collegium Polonicum in Słubice. The panel participants are mostly scientists and practitioners representing both Polish and foreign research centers as well as policy makers and other parties interested in the affairs of Switzerland and its place in the United Europe.
The main aim of the discussion panel Challenges of foreign and defense policy of Switzerland as regards the problem of neutrality in the 21st century is to look at the issue of neutrality of Switzerland in the long run in terms of its foreign and defense policy, as well as the analysis of its implications.
Since the Swiss government announced neutrality in 1813, and two years later the Congress of Vienna declared and approved the act on permanent neutrality, the Swiss Confederation has remained a neutral entity. It has certainly affected foreign and defense policy conducted by the Swiss government. During the First and Second World Wars, the Confederacy remained a neutral state. Over the years, Switzerland was outside the structures of international organizations, such as the United Nations (the Confederation joined the UN on September 10, 2002, after the decision to this effect was approved in the referendum by a minimum majority of 52% of votes), but this did not mean Switzerland’s total absence from solving international problems. From 1921 Switzerland was a member of the League of Nations, headquartered in Geneva, and since 1963 it has been a member state of the Council of Europe. Switzerland is a founding member (1960) of the European Free Trade Association. At the same time, Switzerland is one of the few countries in Western Europe that do not belong to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union. Switzerland joined the Schengen area as one of the last countries in Western Europe.
There is no doubt that the specificity of the Swiss political system, which, among others, consists of the collegial head of state, a federal state structure and the specific role of the institutions of direct democracy, has shaped its impact on the government’s foreign and defense policy.
The aim of the panel is to answer the questions about the impact of Swiss neutrality on foreign and defense policy conducted by Switzerland and toward it. The purpose of the research is also an attempt to answer the question about the aim of the Swiss policy, in particular as regards the contemporary challenges of widely understood security.
The panel will be divided into two parts: the first one in English and the other in Polish.
You are kindly requested to fill in the conference participation application forms online, on the conference website (tab: Formularz zgłoszeniowy) by December 23, 2014 – in the comments please write “Swiss panel”.
Kind regards,
Organizers of the panel
Magdalena Musiał-Karg, Assistant Professor
Marcin Łukaszewski, MA
Conference venue: Collegium Polonicum, 69-100 Słubice ul. T. Kościuszki 1

Relacja z seminarium naukowego we Wrocławiu
On the 12th of June 2014 the Institute of International Studies University of Wrocław and the Research Group “Helvetic Initiative” organized the international seminar in Wrocław, entitled
„Swiss „Sonderfall”. Deliberation on the political system, foreign policy, neutrality and media in Switzerland”
The first referent was dr hab. Magdalena Musiał-Karg, (UAM), who presented the paper: When the demos shape the politics of the canton. Some remarks on popular assembly in Switzerland. Then Minister Martin Michelet, Embassy of Switzerland, was spoken about: Direct Democracy in Switzerland: Are the people always right?
During the session in Polish, dr Krzysztof Koźbiał (UJ), presented the paper: Impact of the Swiss state system solutions on the political system in Liechtenstien. Another speaker was dr MaciejAleksandrowicz (UwB), with the presentation entitled: Constitutional rights of the freedom of information and the position of mass media in Switzerland. Afterwards dr DariuszKomorowski (Uwr), was spoken about: Swiss „Sonderfall” – deliberation on the Swiss national anthem. This part of seminar was moderated by dr hab. Barbara Wiśniewska-Paź(UWr.).
Seminarium naukowe we Wrocławiu
We do kindly invite you for the international seminar organized by the Research Group “Helvetic Initiative” in cooperation with the University of Wrocław! It will be held at the University of Wrocław – Institute of International Studies (Koszarowa Street 3): Saturday, June 12, at 10 a.m.
Details and program, listed below: